Monday, April 23, 2012

Five(, Three) Favorites #3

I've not been blogging regularly, bad of me I know. Anyway here are my weekly faves...

#1 These shoes 
terrible photo I know

The best part about the shoes is that they're very inexpressive. Paperback novels cost more!

#2 Unwind

An amazingly disturbing short film by MainStay production based on an equally disturbing novel by 
Neal Shusterman. Or so I've heard. I'm not actually sure nor am I willing to find out for myself.
Anyway even though I do not want to read the book doesn't mean I don't appreciate the awesomeness of MainStay Pro.

#3 Crave by Melissa Darnell

 I'm not into witches and I'm really fed up with vampires so I wasn't looking forward to this book, this is one of the books that I have absolutely no interest in reading but loved every page of it. I can't wait for the next book!

Till next time!

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