Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Five Favorites #2

Happy Easter everyone! (Can I still say that even though its already Wednesday?)
Now theses are the things I like this week.

  • Easter Angels

On Easter exactly 4:30 am, the local church held a pageant of  sorts featuring little boys and girls dressed as angels. Its actually a fund raiser where the parents of the little angels raise money for the church and the amount raised by the parent determines the ranking of the angels. Let it be known that I vehemently opposed to this but because of my aunt my sister got rope into the Easter angel fundraiser and is now utterly broke.

What I did like about it is that for the very first time I get to see my niece looking like an angel and behaving like one too instead of the human wrecking ball she normally is. 
apparently my sister cant take a decent photo.

  • Wrath of the Titans

I know a lot of people bashed Clash of The Titans and Wrath of the Titans but I still like them. 
My cousin and I went to see Wrath because we get tired of watching Hunger Games over and over. We wanted to see Wrath in 3D but we run out money. Its still pretty good even without the 3D and of course Sam Worthington is HOT

  • Tetris

I used to Play Tetris on my cousins gameboy when I was a kid. I was obsessed with it! To my delight there's a website that lets you play tetris for free! Heres the link Free Tetris I swear I put more hours in it than Mass Effect 3! 

  • Geek and Sundry

Geek and Sundry Felicia Day's new youtube channel that has everything that geeks or those pretending to be geeks could ever want. As for me, I just adore Felicia Day

  • Immortal City

Immortal City is movie and music video director Scott Speer's debut novel, where Guardian Angels save for pay and treated like Celebrities. Its a new take on the mythology and I absolutely love it. My only problem with it is that its for Young Adult so the naughtiness is kept to a minimum :(

And it has a very cool book trailer.

So that's it for my weekly likes.

Till next time!    

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