Monday, April 9, 2012

Book Rant!

When someone from the fb group Young Adult Reads - Discussion Group  suggested I read Switched by Amanda Hocking because its apparently really good, I did. Its about a girl who fond out that she is a changeling and the boy Finn has to take her home to her real family.

I'm a sucker for fantasy and new takes on fantasy so when the word "changeling" came up I immediately thought of elves, trolls and other mythical creatures, an epic battle between good and evil, and a journey to a magical world world...Yeah I got none of that.

Instead I an antsy teenage girl with an attitude problem who falls for a brooding mysterious guy who does nothing bit glares at her (twilight anyone?). Lest I forget there is also a pissing contest between the monarch who rules a small village and her subordinates and to top it all off there is no mystical land full of magical creatures.

Needless to say I was very disappointed.

I guess the only thing i like about this book is that it came from the library and I didn't have to buy it.

Till next time

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