Wednesday, September 19, 2012

New Blog!

I've noticed that I get more views when I post my very amateur styling so I made a new blog for said styling Its all fashion inspired by characters from comic boks, cartoons, manga, books, t.v. shows, movies heck anything fictional.

Fashion inspired by Nightwing


Oasis flare dress, $97 / Double breasted coat / Charlotte Russe mary jane heels / Alexander McQueen clutch handbag / Stacking bangle / Betsey Johnson rhinestone jewelry


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Things I'm Excited About

1. My favorite Filipino author is going indie.

A signed author going indie!? Shocking right? Well, in this case it isn't. Why? Because that way she'll have a larger audience.

Unlike her current works which are all written in Filipino, in her future books, the reader will have a choice whether they want a Filipino or English version of the her novels.

Also, in her current publisher limits their authors to 24,000 words per books. When she goes indie the only limit is her imagination.;

Another plus. Her indie novels will be ebooks. I certainly prefer this because her current novels are really hard to find. Every time I go into a bookstore and ask for her books, they're always sold out.

2. Young Justice will be coming back on September 29. AND I changed my mind about Nightwing's costume.

At long last! only a few more days till I see my favorite bat-kid again.

On to Nightwing's costume.

In my previous post I said I love Nightwing's costume because it looks like it can take a beating unlike the other incarnations of his costume. What I didn't put into consideration is what Nightwing's abilities are. Nightwing is first and foremost an acrobat. His costume in YJ looks like its stiff and would limit his movement. That is the last thing an acrobat would want. So the spandex unitard actually makes sense.

This is now my favorite Nightwing costume.

And the bird on YJ Nightwing is kinda lame. 

Check out this fantastic tumblr about Dick Grayson's many costumes:

3. Foretold.

Foretold: 14 Tales of Prophecy and Prediction . I'm actually really excited about just one of these fourteen tales and that is Richelle Mead's short story Homecoming. Its about Rose and Dimitri's trip to Dimitri's hometown in Russia.

4. Peñafrancia Festival.

The Penafrancia Festival or the feast of Our Lady of Peñafrancia is an anual celebration is the Bicol region in honor of the blessed Virgin Mary. 

It may sound too religious for some (myself included) but it is a festival. Meaning there are colorful parades, lots of food, shopping and a lot of other things. 

5. Batman and Robin #0

Damian Wayne is my favorite Robin as Robin. Batman and Robin #0 is his origin story.

Here's a link to the preview:

Well, that's it for this post.
See you all again next time!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Young Justice... is my crack

Young Justice is an animation show in Cartoon Network based on the comic books Teen Titans or just simply Titans. And since I'm too lazy to explain what that is just click the link.


I love Young Justice..

And here are the reasons why:

1. Sexy Robin/Night Wing.

Okay maybe calling Robin sexy is a bit pedo, but his grownup version (Nightwing) is sexy as hell

Dick Grayson as both Robin and Night Wing

2 and 3.Nightwing and Superboy's Costumes

  • As Superboy puts it "No capes, no tights. No offense" okay maybe that only applies to Superboy since he is hot in civies. 

4. Kissing!!!

I think that says it all

5. Crispin Freeman

Crispin Freeman is a voice actor whose voice is so sexy. I love him and he made YJ so much more awesome!
He voiced Red Arrow

6. Robins made up words:
  • whelmed
  • Aster (opposite of dissaster)
  • traught (opposite of distraught) and many others
In conclusion, watch Young Justice NOW!


I can't believe I forgot the most awesome thing that ever happened in the history of YJ ever:

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

My YT Obsession

The reason why its been a long time since I last blogged is because of youtube. It just sucks me in with all the videos that has no relevance in my life what so ever.

Here are just some of the videos that keeps me glued to YT

  • Jeremy Jahns. That movie reviewer guy who is always so entertaining that I watch his reviews even though I don't give a rats ass about the movie he's reviewing 

  • Lizzie Bennet diaries. An adaptation of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice only this time it is set in the present time and Elizabeth Bennet or Lizzie has a webcam.

  • Think About the Ink. For the record, I don't read comic books. That doesn't mean that I don't like watching other people talk about them especially if those people knows what they're talking about. It makes me want to pick up a comic book.

  • MainStay Productions. They make awesome fan videos, all has a professional quality about them. I especially love their Finnick and Annie (Hunger Games) web series.

So there you have it. 
If I don't blog as often as I should, blame anyone above.
Till  next time!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Five(, Three) Favorites #3

I've not been blogging regularly, bad of me I know. Anyway here are my weekly faves...

#1 These shoes 
terrible photo I know

The best part about the shoes is that they're very inexpressive. Paperback novels cost more!

#2 Unwind

An amazingly disturbing short film by MainStay production based on an equally disturbing novel by 
Neal Shusterman. Or so I've heard. I'm not actually sure nor am I willing to find out for myself.
Anyway even though I do not want to read the book doesn't mean I don't appreciate the awesomeness of MainStay Pro.

#3 Crave by Melissa Darnell

 I'm not into witches and I'm really fed up with vampires so I wasn't looking forward to this book, this is one of the books that I have absolutely no interest in reading but loved every page of it. I can't wait for the next book!

Till next time!

Friday, April 13, 2012

To read list

1. Fifty Shades of Grey by EL James 

I was a fan of Twilight and for a time I lived and breathed Twilight fan fiction. BTW I've already read this book but skipped all the scenes that actually counts because I wanted the story. I didn't like it but I'm giving this book another chance, this time I wont skip anything.

2. Above by Leah Bobet

Its all about the cover. 
I actually have no idea what the story is about but based on the description from its pretty promising. 

3. Covet by JR ward
I'm a huge Black Dagger Brotherhood fan and I never miss a book or a facebook update from JR Ward but for the life of me I have never read Ms. Ward's Fallen Angel series. 
I'm looking forward to reading this book. 

4. Linger  by Maggie Stiefvater

The send book of  Maggie Stiefvater's Wolf of Mercy Falls series. I liked the first book Shiver  a while back and its only now that I actually got a hold of Linger. I'm a little bit reluctant to reading this book since I think that Linger is pretty good as a stand alone novel and I'm not really interested in warewolves. I do like the characters though.

5. Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick

Someone recommended this to me. This is another one of those books that I have no idea what the story is about other than there are fallen angels in it. It does have a lot of good reviews from Amazon and Goodreads  so I think I'll like it.

So that's it for my five to read list. I don't know when I'll be able to finish reading all of this or even if I'll stick to this list but they're the only books I haven't read yet in my bookshelf and don't have the money to buy new ones.

Till next time!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Five Favorites #2

Happy Easter everyone! (Can I still say that even though its already Wednesday?)
Now theses are the things I like this week.

  • Easter Angels

On Easter exactly 4:30 am, the local church held a pageant of  sorts featuring little boys and girls dressed as angels. Its actually a fund raiser where the parents of the little angels raise money for the church and the amount raised by the parent determines the ranking of the angels. Let it be known that I vehemently opposed to this but because of my aunt my sister got rope into the Easter angel fundraiser and is now utterly broke.

What I did like about it is that for the very first time I get to see my niece looking like an angel and behaving like one too instead of the human wrecking ball she normally is. 
apparently my sister cant take a decent photo.

  • Wrath of the Titans

I know a lot of people bashed Clash of The Titans and Wrath of the Titans but I still like them. 
My cousin and I went to see Wrath because we get tired of watching Hunger Games over and over. We wanted to see Wrath in 3D but we run out money. Its still pretty good even without the 3D and of course Sam Worthington is HOT

  • Tetris

I used to Play Tetris on my cousins gameboy when I was a kid. I was obsessed with it! To my delight there's a website that lets you play tetris for free! Heres the link Free Tetris I swear I put more hours in it than Mass Effect 3! 

  • Geek and Sundry

Geek and Sundry Felicia Day's new youtube channel that has everything that geeks or those pretending to be geeks could ever want. As for me, I just adore Felicia Day

  • Immortal City

Immortal City is movie and music video director Scott Speer's debut novel, where Guardian Angels save for pay and treated like Celebrities. Its a new take on the mythology and I absolutely love it. My only problem with it is that its for Young Adult so the naughtiness is kept to a minimum :(

And it has a very cool book trailer.

So that's it for my weekly likes.

Till next time!    

Monday, April 9, 2012

Book Rant!

When someone from the fb group Young Adult Reads - Discussion Group  suggested I read Switched by Amanda Hocking because its apparently really good, I did. Its about a girl who fond out that she is a changeling and the boy Finn has to take her home to her real family.

I'm a sucker for fantasy and new takes on fantasy so when the word "changeling" came up I immediately thought of elves, trolls and other mythical creatures, an epic battle between good and evil, and a journey to a magical world world...Yeah I got none of that.

Instead I an antsy teenage girl with an attitude problem who falls for a brooding mysterious guy who does nothing bit glares at her (twilight anyone?). Lest I forget there is also a pissing contest between the monarch who rules a small village and her subordinates and to top it all off there is no mystical land full of magical creatures.

Needless to say I was very disappointed.

I guess the only thing i like about this book is that it came from the library and I didn't have to buy it.

Till next time

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Things Like This Week

1. Garrus Vakarian. Because he is the best boyfriend/bestfriend option in the history of Mass Effect

2. The Black Dagger Brother Tohrment who is still being tormented by the memory of his beloved shellan Wellsie.

3. Pika-la-Cynique's "Girls Next Door" fan comic.

4. The Guild's new song I'm the One That's Cool

5. Lastly Uno's blog FULLY ARTICULATED.


This still exists. who knew?