Monday, June 4, 2012

Young Justice... is my crack

Young Justice is an animation show in Cartoon Network based on the comic books Teen Titans or just simply Titans. And since I'm too lazy to explain what that is just click the link.


I love Young Justice..

And here are the reasons why:

1. Sexy Robin/Night Wing.

Okay maybe calling Robin sexy is a bit pedo, but his grownup version (Nightwing) is sexy as hell

Dick Grayson as both Robin and Night Wing

2 and 3.Nightwing and Superboy's Costumes

  • As Superboy puts it "No capes, no tights. No offense" okay maybe that only applies to Superboy since he is hot in civies. 

4. Kissing!!!

I think that says it all

5. Crispin Freeman

Crispin Freeman is a voice actor whose voice is so sexy. I love him and he made YJ so much more awesome!
He voiced Red Arrow

6. Robins made up words:
  • whelmed
  • Aster (opposite of dissaster)
  • traught (opposite of distraught) and many others
In conclusion, watch Young Justice NOW!


I can't believe I forgot the most awesome thing that ever happened in the history of YJ ever: